Mount Sarah Station
Mount Sarah Station is situated 75 km north of Oodnadatta on the Mount Dare Road and has an area of 2248 square kilometres.
Prior to 1940 a Mr Sanford owned Mt Sarah. At that time the homestead was located on the Alberga River. The Sanford grave can be found just north of the old homestead on the Mount Dare Road.
In 1940 two brothers, Bob and George McDill purchased Mt Sarah. They had previously been at Old Andado Station. Bob was a single man whilst George had five children. Two of his sons, Neil and George, later took over Mt Sarah.
In the 1960s the Ten Mile Paddock was taken off the Macumba lease and added to the Mount Sarah lease in an attempt to make Mount Sarah more viable.
In 1985 the Williams family purchased Mt Sarah from Neil McDill.